Important Safety Warnings

All products are sold with the express understanding that the purchaser is thoroughly familiar with the correct application and safe use. Innovative Assembly Design assumes no responsibility for the misuse or misapplication of any product sold. Responsibility fr design and application decisions rest with the user.

REMEMBER ANY PRODUCT WILL BREAK IF ABUSED, MISUSED OR OVERUSED. Any well designed and well built product can become hazardous in the hands of a careless user.

It would beimpossible in the text of this site to list all possible dangers and misapplications associated with the use of all products contained herein. However, in order to promote safe rigging habits, the most common hazards associated with the use of these products are outlined.

  • Never exceed the Working Load Limit
  • Match components properly
  • Keep out from under a raised load
  • Avoid shock loads
  • Inspect products regularly


Innovative Assembly Design takes safety very seriously. All safety measures must be taken at all times. Read more about safety here